Because I was so tired this morning and then spent too much time on the computer earlier, I haven't done much today.  That is okay becasue I think I have a busy week ahead and had nothing urgent to do.  Let's face it, gardening (weeding) will always be there, won't it?  And reading all the family's doings on Facebook is always a valuable way to spend time.  And then while I'm here I MUST check the forums. 

As always I enjoyed the Sunday papers.  Then carried on reading the Anne McCaffrey book that I picked off the bookcase a few days ago. I  guess I must have missed it because it looks unread.  A few years ago I asked for her books for Christmas and was given several.  I read all that our local library had and wanted more.  This one is "The White Dragon".  (Wonder if anyone will pick up the link to my stitching..)

The problem today is eating.  Or not eating.  Or not eating properly anyway.  Being overtired always makes it worse somehow; I guess because I can't be bothered to make the effort needed to take care of myself.  Breakfast and one meal isn't really the best way to diet. No veggies today at all unless strawberries with cream and meringues count  as veg somehow.....  And I'm sure I haven't had enough to drink either, now that I think of it.  I just don't think about eating and drinking very often.  I've go to make more of a habit of drinking although to be fair to myself I have made more cups of tea and glasses of water these past few days.  Being aware that I started writing this is making me more aware of what I'm putting in my mouth.  That is a start and a move forward.  I have no intention of making this an eating diary listing what I had item by item.

I'm relaxing now listening to music on the pc.  "Silent Night" sung by All Angels was playing a few minutes ago and was so soothing even though it is the middle of May.  Music can do so much for me, really affecting my mood.  How can one sit or stand still when "Jump" is playing or race aroud to "Songbird"?  That's part of the beauty of iTunes and MP3 players - there is such a range of music on tap without the bother of changing CDs etc.  I sit on the bus with the ol' headphones stuck in the ears and keep pressing forward until I find something I feel like listening to and then repeat the process until I arrive and have to pay attention to where I am and what I'm doing.  Sorry, can't really listen and walk in public anymore.  Another of the 'joys' of aging.
Well, I did go into town yesterday late in the afternoon.  I took my phone to the shop and a nice lady listened to my tale of woe - that my battery dies in less than a day.  On a phone I got in Feb.  She said that I needed to download an app to close the ones that were running already on my phone. And that started the fun......suffice to say I ws up till 3am sorting it out.  I love my phone, a Samsung Galaxy Portal from T Mobile.  I love the phone and really benefit form being able to read my emails and do searches from my chair downstairs when I'm in too much pain to run up here to log onto the pc.

Anyway, the app wouldn't download.  Started, but was slow.  Very slow.  Met a good friend and went to O'Neills for a steak (very yummy, BTW).  Got home and still not finished downloading.  Stopped it.  Restarted.  Tried another app to see if the first one was faulty. Over and over.  Left it to run during Casualty and a dvd and it still hadn't loaded.  In the past things downloaded very quickly.  Up to the old pc - after tidying the kitchen to a reasonalbe state - and it's about 1.30am.  Google and the forums I know only threw up one idea so I finally tried that.

Last week Google let you change addresses to addressed if you wanted.  I did.  And that was the problem for some unknown (to me) reason.  I changed my settings in Google back to googlemail and presto, the downloads were almost instant.  I say downloads because of course I found more useful/fun things and had upgrades waiting for some other apps.  After it was all loaded, I changed back to gmail.  And of course I posted where I could to let other people know about it.   And it was 3.30 by then.   Wonder if it was the two glasses of wine with dinner and the one at home that made me so sleepy?

I don't eat much chocolate normally as crisps - chips to anyone in the USA - are my fave snack food next to fruit.  Not the bland roast chicken ones but the salty smoky bacon or roast beef and mustard ones.  As an alternative snack I made popcorn but left off the butter and salt.   Oh boy.  I ate it because I was hungry and it was low calorie but it will take getting used to.  And as for poor eating habits, I know that two cups of tea/coffee and no food until 6pm isn't a great idea.  I'm hungry this morning so will go forage and see what I can find.  The choice between Special K with berries or Crunchy Nut cornflakes is a no brainer.  Why would I choose healthy over filling and satisying?  (Becasue I'm too fat is not an answer that my mouth will accept.) 
Okay, I decided to start an online site to help myself so am exploring what I can do with this 'new toy'. 

Today I'm in pain in the shoulders but the painkillers are kicking in so it is easing off a bit. I should eat something but really don't feel hungry as we ate late last night. Everyone had dozed off in their chairs and I didn't want to wake them so left it until they woke to make food. I had tempura prawns and onion rings. I wasn't really all that hungry and had had a proper meal earlier. But eating that stuff and having a serious weight problem....duh. That's what this is for, to make me more conscious of what I'm doing to myself.

 I DO NOT need or want any comments about it. I am intelligent enough and have been preached to enough to know better. I do know how to eat right and what to eat and where to find more information if I want it. But if you were thinking of giving me advice or a kick up the backside, thank you for thinking about it!! I appreciate the thought.

My mobile phone has died again, wanting the battery charged. I only took it off charge last evening and didn't even play any games on it. So I'm off to the shop to see what they will do for me. I only got it it February. So that is what I'm going to do now - get a bus into town and take my phone to the shop. That will count as moving and fresh air!!!   That is, once I  finally get off here....