I had my annual retinal screening done the other day.  The cataract on the left eye showed up clearly across the front of the eye.  I just have to keep waiting until *they* say it's ready to remove. The one on the right eye is at the side so isn't such a problem. 

I do find that I look through the bottom part of my glasses to read lately.  Some days my vision is fine and other days I feel like my glasses are smudged all day long. Today was one of those days.  Walking around Tesco when you can't see clearly is no fun at all.  Trust me on that one.
Trying to read labels ----let's just say it isn't going to happen.  Not on one of these days it isn't.

But my eyes seldom hurt, unless the light is too bright and there is a quick solution to that...sunglasses.  And I can see well enough to do what I need to do.  Whether or not I'm one of those old folk who leave cups and dishes less than pristine because they can't see is for someone else to worry about.   Hey, I guess I could use that as an excuse not to dust.  Winner.

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