I'm still tired but I've been up a couple of hours.  I just don't *want* to go back to bed.  It's beautifully sunny outside, and I have tons to do.  I would like to do some of the following:  colour my hair, paint the cloakroom, do the ironing, start studying the material that arrived last night, go out somewhere - anywhere, and walk the dogs somewhere nice. I've already tidied up my little room a bit.  I needed to make a space to study easier, and have not figured out a good way to work it out.  I guess I'll just have to take it one step at a time and day by day.  When I need to do something I'll find a way.  Generally when I can't see a way forward I just wait and bingo! an excellent way to achieve my goal appears when I don't expect it. I think it's a case of the subconscious working away when I'm busy with other things.  And hey, I might even decide the kitchen would be a better place to use.  Who knows?  And even more likely, me being me, I will change it from time to  time as the course goes along.

That is one big thing I've finally learned....things change from time to time so there is no point making a big stressy deal of arranging things.  I guess from this comment that you can see how I have done things in the past...(imagine a big cheesy grin here 'cause I'm wearing one!).  I'm actually giggling at myself.  So I'm either happy and contented or completely nuts.  And I don't honestly care which one is the right answer!  It just feels good so I'll stick with it and enjoy it while it lasts.

I've taken a break to put some lotion on my arms.  Yeah, that worked.  The thing is that most of my lotions were gifts a few years ago, at least 2/3 years.  On the bottles it says good for 12 months.  Yep, the first one had gone off - didn't smell nice at all.  Nor the next one.  Or the third.  After the fourth I went to wash it all off, I'd covered both arms and legs!  Yes, I did  still have more to try - unopened ones this time.  One of my favourites that was open is still good. And one of the unopened ones is fine.  I'm not opening the last one, if it is still good then it will stay good if I don't open it (I hope).  So add to the 'to do' list to go in the bedroom and see what old stuff is in my drawer in there.  I keep a bit of lotion stuff by the bed to use at night when I'm too tired to come in here and get some.  Well, to be honest I should say when I am watching something in tv and don't want to miss any by leaving the room to get anything.  Since I have plenty it's no problem to keep it handy all over the house.  Now I might not have enough to keep everywhere.  That isn't a problem and I'm not about to go out and buy more.  I think if I look I have some in another location that I got in the after Christmas sales.  As I write this I'm thinking that maybe I need to have a really good general  sort out......

I did my walking yesterday and as usual enjoyed it fully.  I went through a local area where I haven't walked for ages.  I can't wait to go again and explore all my old walks.  I have come to realise how much I've been missing out on.  In a way it's sad to think about it but in reality I couldn't have done things differently.  That saying of Maya Angelou comes into play here; When you know how to do better you do better.  That has always been a comforting thought. 

The  lotion I put on my arms has soaked in and boy do they feel good.  I have never made a habit of using lotion.  I *might* make it a new habit but won't stress about it. If it feels good enough I will want to repeat it over and over.  We'll see. 

Now I'm off to make another coffee and restart my day.

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