and am paying for it.  If the typing is all to pot it's because I'm using a different keyboard and am so tired.  I'm happy, though.

On Saturday I travelled to London to the stitching show at Alexandra Palace.  I'd like to go there in the summer for a good look round, but yesterday I didn't see much of it with all the crowds.  And I do mean crowds.  It was so difficult to see much at all, but I'm glad I went.  Agi, who is over from Hungary for a few days met me and we had the most wonderful day together.  I'll try to write more about it all soon.

After I wrote the above I went to bed and slept for a good eight hours and feel better for it. It's so easy for me to get overtired and it then takes days to get over it.  But it is usually well worth it.  You know the saying "Inside every fat woman is a slim woman waiting to get out"?  Well this one is also true "Inside every old woman is a young one wanting to get out".  (That one is thanks to Agi and is soooo true.)

Got to get ready to go for a flu jab now.

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