and life is good.  I seem to keep busy doing not much of anything specific but enjoying it.  The house is generally in a reasonable state and we have clean clothes.  There is always stuff to be done but nothing urgent.  That feels good.  I can sit and relax with a drink and not feel that I 'should' be doing something else.  It's taken a long while to feel this way. 

I have finished all the books for the Transworld reading challenge for this year.  All the books were good, and one was better than good.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to do this again.  There is something wonderful about having a brand new book and reading something by an author I most likely would not have tried.  I plan to read more by the authors I've discovered this time around.

Here's a silly thing:  I was unable to sleep so had the tv on one of those teleshopping channels that are so good at sending me to sleep.  They were banging on about a steam cleaner.  Remember that I bought one a few years ago because of these ads.  It seemed like a good idea.  I already had a wallpaper steamer that has attachments but it's pretty big and heavy.  I bought the smaller hand help gizmo but never found it as good as I expected.  When I was watching this program I realised where I was going wrong.  I dug it out a while ago and found that the gizmo is fine, it was the user at fault!  Now I will have to find it a new home where I can get it out easier.  It just proves you are never too old to learn.....(you can laugh here if you like)

Well, I think I'll give the mutts a walk now.  It will do them good and it will also be good for me.  It's a nice day and I might as well go out and enjoy it.

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