and for me it starts today!  Everyone has gone to work, hubby started his new job this morning, on days for today at least and probably the week, so I have the house to me and the dog.  That is unusual.  And lovely.

I need to change some things that I do, but I'm not making new year resolutions regarding them.  That doesn't work for me, just puts me under more stress that I don't need.  And I never followed through on them when I used to make why bother setting myself up for failure?

One thing I want to do is to take better care of my body in every way. I have been eating much less - maybe too much less - but still not quite enough of the right foods.  That is one work in progress.  It's been ongoing for years but now I 'think' I'm ready to start using all my wonderful creams and lotions and butters and stuff.  When I have used cream on my arms they feel and look so much better......there has to be a big hint there wouldn't you say?

I started by making a hair appointment for this afternoon. Although I really wanted to let my hair grow, I'm not happy with how it looks in the mirror every day. Rose made it so pretty but I can't keep it up no matter how hard I try.  It looks uncared for a lot of the time although it's clean and neat. So I will have it cut again.  Now that I have a good gel that works, I can have a bit of length on top and keep it better, I think and hope.  And to be honest with myself at last, it does suit me better shorter.  I remember in high school wanting long hair like other girls had.  But with my long neck although my hair was as long as theirs, it didn't seem as long or do as many nice things. (In my perception anyway.)  I see now that I've been trying to achieve this ideal all my adult life.  I'm sixty six and it's time to let go of this dream and enjoy what I have, lovely strong hair that takes colour well and skin that lets me wear whatever colour hair I choose.  So I am grateful for the opportunity to start afresh and make the most of what I have!

I also have a lot of facial hair which can get pretty long around the chin.  It's fair and not too noticeable I don't think???? but I use a x7 mirror so I see it all the time.  Today I used the cream to get rid of it - I normally shave the moustache but and leave the rest until it's pretty bad. As the cream irritates my skin if I use it too often, I think I will make a date with myself to use it once a month and see how that goes.  I always feel good when I've done my face.  And I 'should' use a face mask more often.  Don't you hate the work 'should'.  I prefer to use choose.  My skin would benefit from exfoliation more often than I do it even though I have every product you could wish for including face washes and those scrubber things.  I just don't think about it very often.  And that is pretty sad as they are on the window sill in the shower.  I guess I really do neglect myself.  And it is pretty painful writing this.....I'm getting tearful.  This body has taken such good care of my soul and spirit somehow through a lot of hard times.  Now that life is so much easier and better.....     Right now I don't know where this stems from or why but I don't think it matters either just now.  It's enough to be aware of it, to be mindful.    And to care.

I am using the new wireless keyboard and mouse I got after Christmas.  I really enjoy them as they make this old pc so much easier to use but they are also a symbol of my life.  I buy and enjoy *things*, even when I can't afford and don't need them......when It would be better to take care of my body.  Get my priorities right.  I buy stuff to make me feel ....whatever it is that it makes me feel, but it never really succeeds for long because either I want something else very soon or I don't really use whatever it is because it doesn't fulfil me. Mostly I use it, love it but still want the next thing.  Poor hubby must feel he can never satisfy my wants because that's how it feels to me as well.  And it is so sad.  I'm buying to fill a hole that I didn't realise was there.

It's now gone noon and I'm still waiting to shower and eat.  I've had two cups of tea and my pills, done some housework and can enjoy the rest of the day as I wish.  Sure there is house work to do but nothing urgent to anyone but me.  Still, I'm starting to stress at not being dressed so I'll go shower.

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