to have so many great people and so much good stuff in my life.  Friends and family who are so fun to be around, who understand and accept me as I am.  Dogs to cuddle when I need a cuddle.  A comfortable home that is generlly well enough organized that I don't have to spend all my time cleaning it.  Medications that keep my pain in check most of the time.  A garden to enjoy when the weather is nice, or just to look at when it's rainy and grey outside. 

Today I went to the library for the first time in ages and checked out some books, big ones at that.  I could carry them on my walker.  Boy that makes such as change to my life.  On Saturday I was able to walk for probably one and a half miles and fully enjoy it.  That gave me such a feeling of freedom that I don't want to lose it ever again.  More and more I realise how  small my world has become.  Enough is enough, I want to make more effort to do  some of the  things I used to enjoy so much outside the house.  Go Me.

I've gained about ten pounds and I feel every one of them.  I'm not thrilled about it, but not beating myself up either.  It is what it is.  I've had breathing problems the past couple of weeks due to circumstances that will pass.  That limits my activity and then I want to eat - I've just  this moment realised that I want to eat because I feel miserable and food makes me feel better.  Well, no, it really doesn't although  I enjoy it while I'm eating it. Someitmes.  And that is okay.  But what about the times when I don't even enjoy it while I'm eating it????  And I still keep stuffing my face. No, it isn't hunger at all.  Nor thirst, I don't think.  I think it is likely to be boredom, pure and simple.  Even if I'm doing something like playing games on the pc I can be bored.  It's part of the old feeling of 'should be doing something' or maybe just the need to be physically active instead of just sitting in my chair.  I  hope that I can become aware of this when it's happening and find another way to cope.  I am still trying to drink enough.  That is easier said than done, but I feel better when I do drink more.  And when I eat more often/make better choices.

I am happy to have online friends to chat with to.  They make lfe more interesting.  I love all the different points of view. 

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