to writing more often, but I really can't say that yet.....because I don't know what the future holds from day to day.  None of us do.

I had a smashing evening on Saturday, we went to Milton Keynes for the ice hockey match that was my birthday treat.  The same two teams were playing although it was the normal fixture instead of the rescheduled one.  And it was a good game.  I'm glad we went.

Andy has been working the day shifts all month which means a lot less money coming in, but it has been great having the house to myself and not keeping quiet...the routines are all to pot but I'm loving it.  And he isn't so tired, but how much of that is stress related I'm not sure. But I am really making the most of it!  He does either 6-2 or 2-10.  I think that he starts nights next week but am not sure - the management probably aren't sure either!

The Disappointment last week was awful.........(see a row of smilies here)
I weighed myself and was 2 pounds down.  Brilliant.  Stepped on again to be sure, as you do, and nope, gained another two.  What the??? and did it again and got a different number.  Ah well.   New batteries needed.  Weight back to normal. This morning I've kept off that one pound and can live with that.  Well really, I HAVE to live with it as I have no option, do I? 

I've had the most dreadful chest cold for over a week.  I'm far better now but it has been awful.  Then yesterday it was like a head cold.  Today I finally feel human at last but will have to see how far the energy lasts.  I can honestly say I've done everything I can to get healthy and fitter.  Or almost anyway. 

We've booked a holiday to Egypt.  The poor hubby couldn't win, I was so ill that he got no joyful responses from me at all......I just didn't care where we went, when we went or even IF we went.  I was just too ill to take part in the planning and choosing.  But I am delighted with the choice that was made - it will be wonderful to snorkel again. 

When we were out on Saturday we went to Hobbycraft and I got a thread cutter pendant  Not only is it useful, it's pretty.  But I tried to put it on a chain and the ring was to big to go through the cutter.  So was a length of key-chain that I had sitting around.  So in the end I just doubled six strands of floss to the right length and put that in it.  At least I can put it around my neck.  So I did one for the needle threader as well.  All ready for the holiday.  I'm taking some stitching with me this time.  I may not use it but I'll have it for those quiet times when I don't feel like reading.

I've done very little stitching at all.  Maybe a dozen stitches.  I haven't been reading or anything for that past week.  I'm quite excited to start again today and see how I get on with it.  If I can't make headway with one thing I'll work on something else.  I don't want to stop doing cross stitch, but I just haven't felt like doing it for a few weeks now.  Today I feel like I'm missing it so lets see what happ

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