but instead I've been playing around with this site and I finally think I have something I like better.  I really hope my readers will like it and don't think I've done it to confuse them.    I guess that this is as good a time as any to say that I do like changing things about because I can.   Really it's because there were things I didn't really like on the other layout. I've lost count of how many I've tried out tonight,,,:)   As I've been on the pc since 8pm or so and it's now nearly 2am I really think I should shut this down and head for bed.  

Oh yeah, I also found the comments tonight so I was able to okay them and change the settings for them.  How long did it take me to find that little gem?  Ah well, better late than never and I'm sending sincere thanks to those who did comment.  Feel free to carry on posting them.  The old ego can always use a massage....

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