I've had a link to the Transworld Book Group Reading Challenge where you choose four books to read and review on your blog.  This sounds really great to me and I can't wait to find out more and get started. I'll post more when I know more. I've set up a new site  for my reading where I can review some of the books I read as well as ones from the challenge.  This site is called Sheila's Reading and can be found at http://sheilasreading.weebly.com/index.html

Life has been busy but good lately.  After the day out on Saturday it was a treat to go to Milton Keynes on Sunday with Chel.  She needed some  bits so we had a great time together.  It is soooo much quicker and easier by the car even though we did go to the parking area so I didn't have to walk too far.  We just mooched around getting all the stuff on our lists - and a bit more too.  We didn't go overboard and break the bank though.  A new pretty piece of tablecloth for the kitchen was my extravagance!  A whole £2.50!  Oh, and a watermelon.  Yummy.

So yesterday I thought I should make a bit of a start on the housework and got quite a bit done and felt happier for it.  I love a clean tidy house. It will never be as clean as I'd like but I can live with it as it is.  Today all I did was paperwork and colour my hair.  Boy, I do live an exciting life, don't I?  I'm to tightfisted to pay a hairdresser to do a colour which I can do myself with a box from Superdrug or somewhere. 

We've had some lovely hot dry weather here the past few days but it's raining now.  I've enjoyed it but haven't spent much time in the garden.  Ho hum.  That isn't too high on my priority list. Having been so poorly last week the indoor stuff appeals more, at least until the whold house is back to normal.

8/2/2011 12:14:06 pm


I just setup my own weebly site. teaguide.weebly.com

I copied your header and just wanted to check if thats okay?


8/9/2011 09:19:17 pm

No problem Josh. Hope you enjoy it.


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