I knew I had not been on here for a while but didn't realise it was this long.  I don't know where the time goes really. 

I said in my last post about being free from the 'ought to's' and it's amazing how much better life has been day by day.  I can sit and read with no guilt.  I get up every little while and do something then go back to my book and fully enjoy it.  The house has been staying okay pretty much until I start spending a lot of time out and about.  That tires me and my legs hurt so I don't keep up as well.  But hey, it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

Following on from that comes the desire to  be fitter and healthier.  It's not about losing weight now, but being able to move more freely.  I make it a point to go upstairs several times a day whether I need to or not.  I can't sit still as long as I could - I need to be on the move.  Another change is wanting to dress better around the house and wear jewellry and makeup just for me whether anyone will see me or not.  It's early days and I'm creating new habits but here's hoping.  I am doing my best on babystep at a time.  Weight loss will follow - or not but is not my main focus.  I am finding that I make better food choices sometimes lately, being more aware when I go to the kitchen not to just grab something to stuff in my cake-hole.  If I want to do that I may grab a glass of water. 

I've become more sociable over the past couple of months and am enjoying other people's company in person or on Skype.  Seems I'm getting back to being the me of old.

I've given up on the long nails, typing was too much like hard work [and they kept falling off lol].
And I can cross stitch again sometimes.  I have stopped the pictures I was doing that have a lot of random single stitches.  I am loving being back to it again.  I missed it so much.  I'm limited to how much I can do, but hey, some is better than none.

So life is pretty wonderful now and I'm so contented and happy.  At last.

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