I'm tired again. Although I've been busy I shouldn't be this tired out.

Saw the doctor yesterday and came away with more meds which is good, I think.  One is an alternative hay fever remedy as what I was using wasn't very effective.  He also gave me eyedrops.  I didn't think I really needed them, but oddly enough, my eyes do feel better for taking them.   And add to the mix some tablets to take in addition to my inhalers for the asthma.  Apparently hay fever makes asthma worse!  (Like I hadn't worked that one out for myself).  He also said that I was not taking my nose spray correctly anymore, I was breathing in too deeply when I used it which made it far less effective.  So we'll see how it goes now.  I'll know in a few days when I'm out and about walking again.

I didn't think it was breathing problems that kept waking me up, but when the doctor asked if it did disturb my sleep I said that it didn't.  Later I wondered if that is why I wake up so often.  I never thought about asthma when I'd wake up in the night for no reason.  Last night when I woke for the second time, I tried to figure out why.  Yep, I needed my inhaler.  It wasn't handy so I finally drifted off again.  Next time, same questions - am I thirsty?  need the loo?  in pain?  too hot?  too cold?  hungry? No to all.  The realised I was wanting a deep breath of air.  So I got up, used an inhaler and slept till morning.  I've moved an inhaler from the computer to the bedroom where it might get used more.  I'll try to remember to post what happens.  Maybe if I sort this out I won't be so darn tired all the time.

Diet.  or not.  Well, I did weigh myself and I'm still the same.  That's good as I haven't put on any weight but bad because I didn't lose any either.  I am very aware of what I'm eating these days and when I'm out food shopping I really consider what I'm buying myself.  I do want to get somewhere with all this but think maybe when I get the sleep sorted out.....yadda yadda yadda.  Just more excuses that I'm not even buying into myself.  I just don't move enough to burn off what I eat.  And I am not going to start that line of thinking because I'm not going to start calling myself names again.  This is when I start calling myself lazy and stupid etc and I am better than that.

I'm trying a new line of thinking - just started so haven't seen any results yet - but it is interesting.   I'm thinking of my alter ego or inner child or whatever as a princess.  Now we all know that princesses deserve the very best of everything (in a nice way, of course).  My princess deserves nice nails, nice hair, good healthy food, plenty to drink, a reasonable bedtime....etc etc.  In some instances I think of the late Princess Diana and how glamourous she always looked.  Now that is really unrealistic for me, but I can use elements of it for my purposes and I'm sure she won't mind!  I want the best body I can make using what I have.  I want to gain it by using the princess idea rather than by being hard on myself, by making health something to be desired and aimed for.  Just the opposite of calling myself names and berating myself for not doing more than I can do.
6/9/2010 07:00:12 am

Let's hope the new meds will work and the inhaler will help you sort out sleeping problems. That can be a very good start towards solving many others. Fingers crossed.
I love the "princess" idea, actually, I have heard it last year in Scotland. But somehow forgot it. Isn't it strange how some ideas tend to pop up again and again- somehow they want to get to you. :) Keep it up, and I am joining you. We can be the two princesses LOL.

2/11/2011 07:47:22 am

Hi there, just stumbled across this and know exactly how you were feeling. I have asthma and hay fever and it ruins my summer. Have learnt to deal with it to some extent, I actually wrote and article about it you may find helpful - http://dld.bz/Myhk Hope you don't mind me adding the link. Anyhow, hopefully by the time next summer is upon us things go a little better for you, and me to. Andy


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