My vision has deteriorated a lot over the past few months.  I'm not worried about it because I understand that it has to get worse before it can get better but it's annoying.  I feel so sorry for those whose vision is worse than mine.  I can still read most of the time, especailly using the Kindle.  It was an early Christmas present and I'm so grateful to have it.  You can choose a larger font size on it.  Even tho there are then less words to a page the are easy to read.

Stitching is out.  I'm no help as a navigator in the car (or on foot or in the tube) as I just can't see signs until I'm right in front of them.  But none of that really matters.  I can see the TV, the dogs have light up hi-viz collars so I can see them, and I can use the pc and my mobile phone.  I'm able to get a bus to town because I know my way around and don't need help with that.
I use my sunglasses a lot outside even though it's winter.

I had the diabetic retinal eye screening a while back and the cataracts didn't interfie