It's 2.15am and I'm tired but feel awful because I haven't written anything for a while and I've learned so much lately.  Well, I wrote that several days ago now and got busy and had to leave it until now.  I love being busy.  Busy,,,,,,that is an interesting word.  It can mean so many things.  To me it means being awake and occupied with whatever I happen to be doing; housework, walking the dog, chatting to the family, stitching, playing James Pond on the DS, using the pc or even watching telly. 

Of such deep importance is my life.  Okay, I do actually do a bit....moderating a couple of groups,  sometimes going out and about or socialising.  Mainly I stay around the house and do things that make me happy.  Note:  If the house is not clean enough and tidy enough then I get stressed and unhappy.  I like everything to be orderly.  But I am far better at letting it go a bit and finding the happy medium. It doesn't have to be a showhome anymore, just comfy.  I won't mention that stack of ironing in front of me, will I?  I did a few pieces today and think I will finally start doing it more often but less at each time.  I have always done a basket all at once and find that I can no longer do that. 
But hey, we always have whatever we need to wear before we need it...we do really have too many clothes.

Stevie has been letting me use a vivid green microfibre cloth to sponge him all over.  Last week he let me clip his nails, and found it didn't hurt him.  He's never wanted to be wet - even to go outside when it's raining - but on Monday he let me wash his head and back.  Yesterday he let me do that again and a bit more.  Today he saw the cloth, wagged his tail and let me do all of him, including feet, and licked me all the while I was doing it.  How amazing.  Andy was really surprised when he came out of the room and saw what was happening.  I feel really good about it.

I spent the afternoon in town and am off to bed now feeling very very tired.

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