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I've been waking up far too early the last few days and it has got to stop!  I don't  DO mornings, not at 6.30am.

Yesterday we went to get a new tyre for the car.  One tyre supplied and fitted - nearly £100. See me cringe.  But now we are again safe and legal.  (Not sure which counts higher with fines and penalty points!)

Didn't seem to get much done yesterday after we did the errands but it was a pleasant day all in all.

Bonus:  A while ago I found a long shirt in the Cotton Traders outlet in a garden centre.  With the top you got a useful white cami and a shrug type thing to wear over it all and tie in the front.  It all came as a set for half price. The cami is put away for when I need a new white one, the shirt is worn regularly and the other thing stayed in the cupboard.  I also own a beautiful sundress with spaghetti straps in shades of turquoise and white.  Love that dress but....am too old for strappy dresses outside the home.  Brainwave - shrug thing over dress.....will it work?  Yes, perfect colour match and it looks and feels great.  And I feel amazing in it. 

I overate again.  Too idle to make a proper meal with veggies and all.  Now I'm mad at myself again.  Is there a link here, do something to have an excuse to be mad at myself???    If I added a serving of veg to whatever I'm eating, it would be healthy, more filling and with lower calories.  I mean, I made a lovely spaghetti sauce the other day.  Tin tomatoes and all that, almost no calories other than the pasta.  But IF I had done some veg on the side, I'd have eaten less pasta and felt fuller.  Such simple changes to make that take minimal effort.

Now I'll go tackle the ironing that I've been putting off.....

7/28/2010 07:06:30 am

Hi, Sheila, it felt so good reading about your life - apart from the migrains. I love how you go on with this blog. But please, please, stop scolding yourself about not eating well. One day we can do it, other days not. I have much more "other days" :)Lots of hugs.


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