I can't believe how much time has passed since I was last able to spend time writing! And I wrote this first line nearly a week ago before I was interrupted!

There's really nothing wrong, I'm just not motivated to come upstairs to write.  I think of lots to write, but can't make the effort to come up and do it.

Lots has happened.  Andy passed his driving test second time round and I'm so proud of him.  Chel has bought a car that we'll collect tomorrow night.  Congrats to her.

I got my new specs and can see better for close work.  I got one pair that are purely for stitching....x7magnification I think.  Boy these babies are strong.  No need for the clip on magnifier (most of the time anyway) but I can't see the tv with them on.  I look over the top of them and it's looking with no glasses so while I can see it I can't see it all that well.  And I am NOT complaining, just explaining.  I'm delighted to have the extra pair.  My distance vision is about the same but the close ranges needed adjustment.  And I also have sunglasses.   That's me sorted for a while.  Oh yeah, and the optician also said I have a cataract in the left eye now as well but it isn't as developed as the right eye.  Great.

The weather has been fantabbydozy here for a week.  Sun, heat, wonderful. I've done a bit of weeding and enjoyed it.  As the plants are coming up there isn't as much this year to do.  And Andy has made a wonderful job of revamping the whole thing over the past few years.  He is seeing the benefits of his work.  We both love what he's done.

I've been taking photos of our flowering plants a lot - sometimes daily as they are developing and blooming so quickly.  My white lilac in the front garden has bloomed, and how. There is so much blossom that I don't know how the stems are holding it all up!  And it smells wonderful.  Thank you to George who gave me the money to buy it for a birthday/Christmas present. 

We have a lot of colourful plants in the garden.  I will post pics somewhere but am not sure yet where I'll put them, here, Facebook, Photobucket, or just my Google online albums.  I'll post here when I decide.

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