I do have to say thank you for the wonderful weather we've been having lately. It's been brilliant. 

All is going well and I'm happy. I've done quite a bit of cleaning lately and the house looks better for it.  There is still more to do though.  The house isn't dirty or messy exactly, but there is always more to do. 

My reading challenge is over.  I really enjoyed it and have four good books to boot.  I have been reading such a lot this past few weeks.  Chel got the trilogy starting with the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  They are thick volumes and I read them all back to back, followed by my last book choice from Transworld.  

Jess is a wonderful addition to the family.  She sleeps on an old pillow on the floor at the foot of our bed mostly at night.  She is very good.  It's so much fun seeing her and Stevie playing so much - several times a day the pair of them roll around together.  They go out together whenever the door is open, and even sleep touching sometimes.  Stevie is so contented and wants less of my company than previously.  I hate to admit that I'm missing the cuddles but happy that he's happier.  Taking them for walks is no problem, he doesn't need a lead and she is good on hers.  We do let her off but her recall isn't that great yet.  When she's loose and goes running she's amazing to watch, and hilarious.  She's as loving toward us as Stevie is. We were lucky with her - although it is still early days - only two weeks or so.

Nothing else has changed much, all is going well.   

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