and is still tired.  And fed up because she's tired.  But then I realised that this tiredness is just the down part of a cycle after I've had a couple busy weeks.  My body has weeks of 'shutdown' where I just need to rest and recharge before starting to participate fully again.

No, I don't need to slow down the rest of the time and no, it isn't boredom.  I have been asked if I'd like to do something really nice during these times and have to refuse. I've been sad to miss out on visits with friends, trips out, even meals out.  But I just can't push myself that far.  On those occasions when I do make the effort, I find that I enjoy myself for a short time and then just want to get back home.  The energy bank is just simply running on empty.

A few days or weeks later I'm back to full speed and enjoyment again. It's a temporary thing and maybe recognising it as such might help stave off the feeling of depression that I'm feeling.  I also hope it is linked to the medical conditions and that as these settle down it will get better.

i really, really don't want to go through another bout of depression.  I really don't.  The weather is too nice in general - though it has been cooler and rainy these past few days - and I want to be happy.  We'll see.

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