Why when i'm doing one job I get distracted into doing another?  Just now, for instance. I was working on the family website. I've been trying to find photos to use, as I have been for a few days.  All the photos on my pc are 'supposed' to be in one folder.  Oh yeah, like that's where they really are.  Apparently downloaded photos don't count as photos on my system.  Very helpful I must say since downloaded ones are the ones I've been looking for.

And I don't bother to put pictures in proper albums and folders when I import them from the camera or scanner.  Can you see where this is going yet?  Yep.  I have just spent an hour trying to rename all the folders that just had dates on them.  That was bad enough but I still need to put all of one thing together.  There are pictures from the Balloon Flight in at least three folders.  Why? 

So I have made up my mind to finally sort that lot out.  And there are a lot of them to go through.  If no one can find me, try looking in Picasa!

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