some j=of the changes in my daily routines since I retired in 2007.  It's a strange thing to think about.....but as the others were going up to bed it occured to me that this is when I used to start my housework.   Chel didn't live here and Andy would have left for work for the night.  So I did all the cleaning, laundry and the like at night.  And I'd sit with the computer until the early hours.  Then Chel came home and things changed again.  She worked days and he worked through the night.  I struggled to get things done without disturbing one or the other of them.  Now they both work days and so therefore can I.  I'm loving it.  I'm having a great time having the house to myself during the day.  I can choose what to do and when to do it, as well as going out or having company without need to consider disturbing anyone else.

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