This pain is enough to make me angry.  It's a severe heartburn like I haven't felt for a couple of years.  I'm trying not to swear......because it is all my fault for running out of my magic pills.  I ran out a few days ago and had to wait until Monday to order more, and then you have to wait 48 hours for the surgery to process them.  By then I was totally miserable.  Chel said to see if the chemist could help - I've known him twenty years or so - and he let me have four to keep me going.  I got all my meds this afternoon less the four he let me have in advance.  I'm so grateful to a) Chel for telling me to ring him and b) Mr Shah for his help.  They are working but it takes a few days to build up or whatever so hopefully I'll keep improving over the next few days.

With that and all the other aches and pains I'm not coping too well.  I've given up moderating for the time being as I just don't have the patience to do it now.  I'm doing the housework slowly and gently, doing mostly a bit at a time.  I'm looking forward to getting out and about again.  I was enjoying my newfound 'freedom' and being outside the house.  Having said that things could be far worse so I'm grateful for what I do have and what I can do.  I owe thanks to other moderators at various levels who are taking over to give me a break.

On the cross stich forum someone mentioned that the Transworld Book Challenge was starting again.  It's historical fiction this time.  I was lucky enough to be accepted and am reading a lovely new copy of The Queen's Secret by Victoria Lamb.  So far, only a chapter in, I am really enjoying it.  It will  be a joy to read

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