I've got pretty new hair.  I put a colour on it yesterday and love it.  I used a light ash blonde over my mid/dark brown.  There were already some left over highlights in it and lots of grey so I've ended up with quite a nice colour with different bits in it.  It's a medium brown.  I'm amazed how much grey was scattered around this head all of a sudden. 

I've realised that I've not liked my body since I was about seventeen.  That's a long time to not be aware of something so close to you.  I still don't know all the ins and outs of this issue, but will sure be working on it now that I know.  I am so fat.  There is no word for it other than fat.  Whenever I see my reflection suddenly I get a shock.  My mental image is not in line with the real one.  But I have no real conception of what I actually do look like.  This is a painful thing for me to deal with and to live with.  I think I would love to have a slim, fit, healthy body that can move, run, skip, jump and dance easily.  I say I think I would live to have because I don't know what that would feel like, really.  And if I did really want it, wouldn't I have already achieved that wish?  Wouldn't I have already been working towards that goal with every bit of energy I have?  I mean, I gained weight when I was seventeen and pregnant and have never done anything real about it.  I have lost weight a few times and gained it back, but I've never worked at getting/being fit.  All I do is wish.  And as the old proverb goes "If wishes were horses then all would ride".  

I give myself treats but realise now that that is different from pampering and taking care of myself.  I do wear clothes that fit and that I like (mostly), and have cut down on a lot of the excess food intake;I use toiletries that suit my skin and hair and enjoy using them, but I still don't give my body the love and attention that would make so much difference.   So watch this space and lets see what happens.

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