but I'm going to start writing anyway and see how much I get done before I crash and go to bed.

I've been working so hard my head my burst!  I'm loving studying but boy, it can eat up my time.  If I stayed of Facebook I'd probably progress faster.  The flip side of that is that there a a couple groups set up for my course and I'm gaining a lot by reading their posts and problems.  I feel far less alone because of them.  I've done okay so far; have done the first essay twice and am happy with it for now.  I'll wait to see what is said at the next tutorial before I send it in though.  I just doubt myself which is very silly as I know I can do this.  I've just started on the second small book and the first big textbook.  That feels like progress already.  I've also got the Good Study Guide by Andrew Northedge which I'm working my way through.  I'm having to read more thoroughly than I do for novels.  I can do it but it just takes longer.  I'm still finding time to read for pleasure though and to play on the DS.  I need the downtime.   I am doing okay-ish with the housework.  I can always do what I need to do quite quickly anyway.  I'm enjoying that more too, since it is a smaller part of my life.   I will find a balance as I go on.  I'm sure (at the moment) that I've made the right decision in choosing to study.  The Social Sciences are so far proving to be more interesting than I'd expected.  Bonus.

I'm still coughing a bit but feel tons better.  I finally got a good night's rest last night, didn't work on my essay all night in my sleep!   The Horlicks and and the chocolate one do their stuff almost as well as a brandy in my coffee.  I have one or the other most nights now it's colder. 

The leaves are blowing all over the place. Today I went out to pick some up but didn't as it was so windy they were all over the place and I had trouble breathing......to dopey to put a scarf on, wasn't I?  I'm not ready for this weather yet, although. I am wearing warmer clothes around the house.   Gotta love the socks.  I'm glad I have so many pretty ones that are comfy and fun to wear....I'm still a big kid at heart.

The dopey dogs are still keeping us laughing with their antics.  Jess sleeps on the ottoman again.  How this big dog can fit onto that small thing amazes me.  But she's happy.  She does have a perfectly good soft dog bed that she uses sometimes.  Stevie shares it during the day when I'm on the pc. 

And now I will head for my bed and hope to sleep soundl

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