It's been a lovely day.  Very hot though.  But as I didn't need to rush around that was okay.

It was good sitting in the garden listening to music, reading a book and the water running while I waited for my friend to call round for coffee.  We had a super chat and she made me feel better about a lot of things to do with health and weight.  One thing she told me that I was unaware of was that the horrid cramps I get in my legs can be caused by not drinking enough.  Fancy that.  You can bet you life savings that I will make it my business to drink more if it will stop that.  Those cramps are unbelievably, breathtakingly painful.

Sitting in a garden centre garden with a cappucino this afternoon was also a pleasure.  So it has been a wonderful day.  While we were driving I found myself getting excited about being slimmer and fitter.  I know I'd been discussing that with Chris this morning, but all of a sudden I felt that this is going to happen and I feel good about it.  I sincerely hope that it is a good sig

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