Today was sunny and dry - bonus.  The car is fixed and working fine, as well as costing about £200 less than the quoted estimate.  If that is how this year will go, okay.  I mean, cars break down, things like that happen.  But if the costs are going to be less than feared that will be good. 

My weight is back to what it was befoer the holidays.  I started a Food Diary which I've been keeping faithfully.  Just a list of what I'm eating.  I can look at calories counting when I'm happier about what I'm eating overall.  At least I've made a new start with that.  Go Me.

The scarf thingy I was knitting is finished and I'm happy with it.  Don't know what I'll use it for but .....  so I found a pattern online that I like a lot and wanted to try.  I had several balls of wool to use so off I went at a good clip full steam ahead.  But-------I could not see the wool well enough to carry on.  I restarted umpteen times and gave up.  That wool is now back in the stash and I went out and bought some more.  I got a dark greenish four ply that I can see well.  The downloaded pattern is coming along beautifully.   I'm so thrilled with it.  I'm having so much fun knitting now.  I never thought I was good at knitting but now I see I'm better at it  than I thought I was.  Another example of not giving myself credit for doing things well.  Since I started doing Cross stitch and seeing how well it came out I'm seeing my ability in other things as well.  I'm so thankful for this new revelation.    Life just gets better and better for me.

My wonderful baby sister in the US has purchased a webcam and downloaded Skype so we can video chat together.  I'm looking forward to the first time we use it together.

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