I've just been too busy to come on here most of the time. The rest of the time I've been too tired. Every day I think "I'll write about this or that on my blog later"  but somehow it doesn't happen.  It would appear that a) the thoughts don't just jump from my mind to the computer without some physical input from me and b) the good fairies don't do it for me.  Now isn't that just amazing!?!  and surprising?!

I'm happy.  That is the main thing.  Life is good.  Sure,there are things that could be better but overall it's good. 

The dogs keep me laughing (or swearing sometimes).  When we went out Jess has again grabbed a roll of giftwrap and tore a lot of it to bits all over the floor.  Annoying?  Yes but not enough to  get mad about.  We just laugh because you can see how much fun she had doing it.  Now Stevie never did this before we had Jess so she gets the blame but...........  And one day this week we left the kitchen door open when we went out....big mistake.  By the back door we found: a bread wrapper torn up and empty that had held half a loaf, a cake wrapper (empty) that had been unopened when we left, an empty toaster waffle packet that had 4 waffles in it when we went out, and maybe more.  Oh, we also had one noticably stuffed lurcher.  These are skinny dogs like greyhounds so a distended belly really was obvious.  These doggy goodies were at the back of a countertop on top of a four inch high storage container.  The container was right at the front edge when we got in.  As it held sweets and biscuits it's a good job she didn't go for that as well or she'd have been ill for sure. 

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