I've just ordered eight - yes 8- books from Amazon for my Kindle.  Well at twenty pence each you have to if you read as much as I do.  Okay, I might or might not like them when I read them but I won't know till I try.  I have found some authors I like in the free books both from Amazon and from other sites.  I'm always up for new books.  I am too curious to pass up anthing that looks interesting to me.  I'm such a saddo that I have the kindle app on my phone.  If I find myself out without my kindle I have a book that I'm only reading on my phone!  Yes, I do have a life and don't need the comment to get a life. 

It's been a busy week suprisingly.  I've been out and about a lot both alone and with friends. Spent most of a day in bed unwell but hey, that's what I get for overdoing things.   I had a lovely bithday lunch with a friend even if it was a week after her special day.  Sue is always good fun.

Wimbledon has been interesting so far.  I've managed to watch some for a change and enjoyed it.  I've also watched most of Euro 2012 since Andy and Chel have watched it.  (Dare I admit to enjoying it???)   The final is on now and I'm sitting with a bottle of Buck's Fizz, my laptop and the telly in front of me.  We had a nice dinner of steak and jacket potato with sour cream so I'm stuffed.  Fresh cherries for afters - later.  I got a big box for £2 which was an amazing bargain at closing time on the open air market in town.  Yum yum.  I've already had a couple bowls of them.

I'm off now to enjoy cleaning up the kitchen.  It won't take long and is so pretty and comfy when it's done. 

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