Okay, so Federer let me down but Nadal is still in there.....I have something still to look forward to. And Andy drew Holland in a draw at work and they are still in the running soooooo......

I've been reading and watching TV for a couple of days.  I overdid it and can't put weight on my ankle/foot very well.  Thank God I have some walking sticks around the house for when I need them (and one lives in the car at all times).  I used the carpet washer the other day - downstairs only. But I also hung out a lot of laundry and did two lots of ironing the next day.  It may have been due to the shoes I was wearing but something set my feet off.  Then my knees have been waking me up at night with the most horrid pain.  But it goes away and I go back to sleep.  No wonder I'm constantly tired.  I have been keeping the housework done as much as I can....I hate it to be untidy.  And here I was making such progress outside with washing windows and doors, weeding, etc etc.  Life does have a way of making me slow down, doesn't it?

I'm also preparing to be a moderator on a local group. (I won't be the only one.)  I've had a lot of reading to do and will be staring to learn other stuff soon.  It is one way I can be of service to the community without committing to going out or doing set hours.  I sincerely hope it will work out well.  At present I don't feel that I can commit to turning up at set times and performing to my own standards, so have not gone out looking for things to do.

I do know from experience that when the student is ready the teacher appears.  That applies to everything in life. When the time is right, things can happen.

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