and so far it is.  I got up and visiting the sites I visit every day, crossstitchforum, facebook, my email, and anything else I see a link to that appreals to me.

I have no set plans for today.  The monster basket of ironing is waiting - and can keep right on waiting - because it it's nice out then I want to sit on my swing and listen to music and if it isn't then I'll read, do some cross stitch at last, or play catch up on tv.  All that is after I read both Sunday papers.  The Sunday papers are my weekend treat.  So now I'm off for a coffee and a read.

Okay now, done that and also tried to sort out iTunes and Windows Meida Player.  Deep and abiding joy that (didn't) bring.  How on earth can you delete every duplicate on itunes and then find out that you have over 7000 duplicated items on it.  And can't find some albums that you KNOW you have on there?  Those damn gremlins.  My mp3 player will only download playlists from WMP although I can download music from itunes.  Andy needs the itunes for his ipod.  Ah well.  Of such is life.

I am having major problems liking my hair today.  My lovely hairdresser Rose did just what I asked.  I wanted to go lighter and have highlights and a cut.  I gave her a free hand and no help at all with what I wanted for a cut.  It is a beautiful cut and looks great but now I think it is a tad too short - nothing that a week or two won't cure.  So as you can tell it isn't an earth shattering problem.  But the colour is.  99% of it is fab.  Just the fringe (bangs) are a bit too orangey for my taste.  It is't screaming orange or anything, and she DID have to go over red.  But the family say it's fine and I know it will look different in a few days.  It always takes time to settle and for me to get used to it.  Suddenly catching sight of myself in a mirror unexpectedly is a shock as it always is when I have new highlights.  Mostly I dye my hair myself but red.  Then that fades to a darkish browny sort of colour.

I'm off to play with my phone now to see if I can get it to do wha

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