It is a fantastic sunny, windless day.  Absolutely perfect.  We did the food shopping so we wouldn't have to do it over the weekend.  I'm so glad we did as it has been a stunning weekend over all.  I'm truly thankful for it.  I feel so relaxed, moreso than ususal. 

I actually sat and listened to music.  Not reading or stitching, weeding or anything else.  Just sat still.  I don't do sitting still very often.  I'm trying to learn though.  If I'm sitting I have the TV on or am doing something.  Listening to music doesn't count as doing anything to me. It's just background.  So now I am trying to consciously listen, really listen to it.  And get my enjoyment back.  I'm so very out of touch with what's going on in music these days.  I haven't really listened to anything new since "Il Divo".  Music was always a big thing for me before I got depressed.

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