After all the depression that I've had, it is so nice to be able to sincerely say that it has been a wonderful day again.  And even more wonderful to realise that I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow.  That is new thing for me and a really huge step forward.  Long may it last.  But even if it doesn't last, I will remember it and store the memory for when I need it.

I didn't do anything special today, just made the most of every minute.  And it was a 'hungry day'  where I wanted to eat all day. So I kept drinking instead.  I have realised that I deserve to be slimmer and healthier.  Get that?  I deserve something good.  That knowledge is really helping with food control, even on a day like today when I did eat too much.  But as I didn't buy any crisps I like or any bakery stuff, it wasn't there to eat.  I even used light cream cheese on my raisin bread and liked it.  I always have butter on it and more often than not toast it as well.  So cream cheese is a wonderful move in the right direction.

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