Even though we don't celebrate it here in the UK. I am thankful for so much in my life that I couldn't possibly write it all down at once.  People and my pets head up any list of  course.

Last weekend was our 29th wedding anniversary.  Andy took me to Scarborough where we had a great time together.  Chel looked after the dogs so we didn't have to give them any thought at all - but I did miss my furry companions.  Chel booked some holiday time so we could go and not worry.  Thank you Chel.

We changed the brand of dog food we bought this week and it seems to suit the pair of them better.  We have our lively, funny, loving Stevie back at last.  We never realised that what he was eating wasn't suiting him and causing his lethargy.  Now he and Jess are playing like there's no tomorrow.  We are all soooo glad we got this girl for Stevie, and for us.  She adds so much to our lives.  There is a head on my knee as I'm sitting at the kitchen table writing this.  I love it.
What could be nicer?  Well, I can think of things but you know what I mean.

I watched some episodes of Oprah this week.  Saw the final show yesterday and took a lot from it about being content where you are and following your purpose.  Suddenly I saw more about my life as a whole, and know that I have done things I loved.  As for the future, I am thinking about that differently now as well.  I have benefitted so much from the Oprah shows over the years so I will take this opportunity to send her wonderful wishes for her future as well as thanks for all the personal growth I've gained from her shows.    She has proved over and over that when the student is ready the teacher appears.   And she introduced me to Maya Angelou and Dr Phil among other wonderful people (well, not in person, of course! :D )
Today is bright and sunny here.  Coldish but not too bad. I'm looking forward to going outside in a while.  Wearing my new top.  I saw a greeny long jumper in a sale and loved it.  It isn't a colour I've ever worn, nor a style I'd usually buy, but I love it.  And it is for 'around the house'.   I don't normally buy stuff to wear indoors, that is what happens to tops that get too shabby to go out in!  This feels so good though.  Dressing nicely for me!  Seems like I'm starting to want to care for myself.  Sometimes lately I even put on perfume and jewellery just around the house because I like wearing it.  This is getting scary......lol.

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