No special reason, just a pleasant day.
I've been playing James Pond Robocod on the DS lately and having great fun with it - when someone else isn't using it.  We're just waiting for another copy to be delivered so we don't need to 'fight over' it.  Not that we do, really, but we both want it all the time.  I'm so rubbish at it and talk to it when I'm playing.  That gives Andy and Chel great amusememt when they keep hearing:" You weren't supposed to do that you stupid thing"  or "Oh no, killed again".  Well, I never claimed to be sane, did I?

And I've been watching waaayyyyy to many episodes of "Bones".  I mean, the box set of several series is just sitting there collecting dust and I never watched them when they were on.......what's a girl to do?

Then theres Wimbledon to take up more wonder the house could look better and I've gained four pounds in the two weeks Chel has been home.

Off now to go play some more.  This playing lark is good fun.  Maybe I'll play
This is turning out to be one of 'those days' when you just can't get moving in the right direction.  Or any direction for that matter.  Here is is early afternoon and I'm just about dressed.  I have a shopping list of things I'd like to do and I'm still upstairs facing this computer screen.

To be fair, I've run the kitchen machines and need to reboot the laundry.  I'll pause here and go do that right now.

I'm back.  I not only rebooted the laundry but hung out two loads AND ate lunch.  Go me.

I would like to do several more things today but really don't feel that well right now.  I've just used my puffer so that might help.

My biggest headache right now is getting my head and heart to accept that I just cannot do all I used to do so easily.  It's hard to accept and I'm finding it very hard.  I keep doing one of two things: I push myself too hard and suffer
or I don't push too much but beat myself up for not pushing harder.

I've had some good news that's keeping me busy of late.  I have been made Lead Mod of the group I work with.  Okay, joint lead mod, but that is still a great step forward.  My colleague and I can relax and do things the way WE want them done..within the rules and guidelines of course.  We are monitored from above but that isn't a problem so far.
It's just nice to be recognised as capable of doing a job well enough.
The other mod feels the same way.  We are a team after all.

Chel has her driving test on Weds and I so want her to do well.  We had fun on her recent birthday.  Let's face it, what can be better than watching Johnny Depp for a couple of hours?  She loved having her feet nibbled by the garrarufa fish......she's waited a long time for that treat.

We had the first cherries off our tree yesterday.  Yum Yum.  There are more than ever this year but we can't get to the top ones.  Later on I'll get Andy to take the top off the tree so it will fill out instead of getting too tall.

Now I'd like to vacuum the whole house and walk the dog.  The stitch and listen to Wimbledon.  Note the *I'd like to...*.  We'll see.

and I'm enjoying it greatly.  Life is generally pretty good, just busy.  Better that than too boring though.

Andy is doing his big wagon training this week, starting this morning. He said the biggest hurdle is getting his head around it all. But he seems happy enough.

I went on a day trip to Springfields Shopping Centre at Spalding last Thursday and had a super time despite the rain.  I didn't buy much, but then I didn't plan to!  It was just a chance to go our somewhere different with a nice group of people. What can I say about the cream tea at the end other than to thank Chris for organizing it all?  I do love my cream tea.

On Sunday Andy took me to Hitchin so I could set up a friend's new mobile phone for her.  It was altogether a lovely time.  Chel and her best friend had gone out for dinner then we all met up for a drink as well. Her friend is a driver so she was able to use her car with a new person next to her.  That did her good until she realised that we were following her for a bit.  I felt so proud of her.

Last night was a wedding reception - yes, on a Tuesday.  It was very nice although the only person we knew was the groom.  Andy worked with him for years and we were the only friends of the groom to turn up for the evening do.  I felt so sorry for the poor guy.

I'm exploring the limits of how much I can do these days.  It is alarming how out of breath I get and how tired I get so quickly.  Jobs around the houise that I used to whizz through now take hours with plenty of breaks.  I refuse to accept that it's really like that I'm proving to myself just how far I can go and how much I can do in a day.  Then I will just have to get used to it and do things differently.....sort of work smarter not harder.  I also have to face that my pain levels vary so much.  I can start out fine then pain hits and I'm done for a while or even for the day. I was okay this morning and now my hip, neck and shoulder are really hurting.  I'll take more pills soon that will help but won't take it completely away.  I just have to stop beating myself up and calling myself 'lazy' and all that nasty tuff.  Mentally I see things that need doing, things I used to be able to keep done, and get impatient with myself because I don't feel like doing whatever it happens to be.  I simply cannot get my head around the fact that it isn't "don't feel like" with the bad connotations associated with that.  It really is "can't do that" for whatever reason. There is a world of differnce and I'm going to have to get used to it.  The end result, though, is still that things don't get done.  I simply can't do several loads of laundry, peg it all out, vacuum downstairs, tidy up, and then be able go do some weeding.  Later I can do dinner, but not a lot more most days.  So I have do choose what jobs will get done on any day and try to plan ahead more than I'm used to doing.  However, the alternatives are a lot worse and I'm able to walk, talk and do most of the things that matter to me.

Sorry if that all sounds like a long whinge because it isn't meant that way at all.  My intent was to clarify things to myself.  If it helps anyone else understand how it feels, great, that would be an added bonus.

My glasses are making a big difference to me in every way.  Those special ones for close work were a really good idea.  I use them for my game console as well as for stitching.  And of course those books with small print aren't a problem anymore.