I've been playing with my knitting again.  I got some size 12 needles (Andy called them ginormous when he saw them) and boy are they great.  I tried the same pattern I was making using an 8 and a bigger needle but using an 8 and the new one. It's nice with the smaller ones and even lovlier and lacier using the bigger one.  I've unpicked that multi-coloured scarf I made last week so I can reuse the wool to make a nicer one.  I'll make it narrower and longer this time.  And probably making a proper pattern just because I can.

This house needs some time spending cleaning and tidying.  But my knees ache so badly today that I don't want to move too far.  We did the shopping and that's enough.  I should have taken my stick with me yesterday......good time to decide that, huh.  You'd think I'd know by now that going to town = need a walking stick.  No exceptions at all, ever, anytime.

Still getting used to the hair.

When I look in the mirror all I see is a dark thing on top of my head.  I coloured my hair a dark red yesterday from a blondish colour.  And I feel it's all wrong.  But Andy and Chel like it.  I know it wlll fade quickly - red always does.  It a colour I used to use all the time but I'm no longer used to seeing it.  I'll get used to it.  Or I'll get it cut really really short and bleach it again.  It will be a bugger to bleach from red and it's not really worth the effort. 

My hair really darkens in winter and lightens in summer naturally so I felt the need to change the colour somewhat.  This isn't somewhat - it's drastic.  By this time next week I'm likely to love it!!!   (Maybe)   Added later in the day:  There are some positives to this colour.  My favourite jumper looks great with it.  Eye makeup looks better with it. I feel that I need to wear it now but I didn't with the other colour.  Out shopping this afternoon I didn't catch sight of myself at all so I  didn't frighten myself.  No one screamed and ran away.  

I'm knitting all the time lately.  I found another easy pattern which I'm enjoying far too much.  I'm loving the result.  So I'm working on two scarves and reading one book.  I just finished the two books I was reading.  One paper one and one Kindle one.   I also  had a new game for the DS.  It's the Uno card game.  Good fun and second hand.  What more can you ask for?

It's time to do a bit more house work to keep this place the way I like it.  

Today was sunny and dry - bonus.  The car is fixed and working fine, as well as costing about £200 less than the quoted estimate.  If that is how this year will go, okay.  I mean, cars break down, things like that happen.  But if the costs are going to be less than feared that will be good. 

My weight is back to what it was befoer the holidays.  I started a Food Diary which I've been keeping faithfully.  Just a list of what I'm eating.  I can look at calories counting when I'm happier about what I'm eating overall.  At least I've made a new start with that.  Go Me.

The scarf thingy I was knitting is finished and I'm happy with it.  Don't know what I'll use it for but .....  so I found a pattern online that I like a lot and wanted to try.  I had several balls of wool to use so off I went at a good clip full steam ahead.  But-------I could not see the wool well enough to carry on.  I restarted umpteen times and gave up.  That wool is now back in the stash and I went out and bought some more.  I got a dark greenish four ply that I can see well.  The downloaded pattern is coming along beautifully.   I'm so thrilled with it.  I'm having so much fun knitting now.  I never thought I was good at knitting but now I see I'm better at it  than I thought I was.  Another example of not giving myself credit for doing things well.  Since I started doing Cross stitch and seeing how well it came out I'm seeing my ability in other things as well.  I'm so thankful for this new revelation.    Life just gets better and better for me.

My wonderful baby sister in the US has purchased a webcam and downloaded Skype so we can video chat together.  I'm looking forward to the first time we use it together.

The New Year of 2012 has  well and truly arrived.

Andy and Chel took his car to Stoke to watch a football match and the car broke down on the way home on the motorway.  It was a tow truck all the way home job and we won't know what's wrong until probably Tuesday when the garages open.   I knew there was a reason I pay every month for the rescue service.  Imagine what that bill would ha.ve been new year's  eve.....scary thought.  And a wonderful friend and neighbour kindly drove across town to collect them from the garage where they left the car.  Thanks to Steven and Chris.  Another blessing is that Chel drove up there and Andy was driving home.  His experience at the wheel was useful when the car died in the fast lane!!!

I've enjoyed the holiday season since the middle of December when we went to Brighton.  It's been a very relaxed time over all.   I have done all I wanted to do, seen most of the people I wanted to see, eaten all I wanted and drunk all I wanted (not much alcohol actually but lots of tea).  I've shopped when I needed to and rested when I needed to.  I started knitting again and am loving it.  It's a relaxing alternative to cross stitch and crochet.  Admittedly I'm not an expert but I do well enough to please myself and keep my hands busy.  I'm grateful for the equipment on hand to do this without having to go our spending all over again.  I have so much cross stitch stuff that I don't want to spend a lot for another hobby. I've read a lot, both on the Kindle and paper books and played the DS and computer games.

I am aware of how fortunate I am to have all these choices and gizmos.  I appreciate them and am the kind of person who takes care of things as well as I can.   Life in the past has been hard and unpleasant for me.  Now I'm surrounded by love, both human and doggy, good friends locally and on the internet, and lots of family that I get to stay in touch with.  I have never had it so good.  I'm 67 years old and happier that ever.

I gained a pound and a half over the holidays.  That isn't bad at all in my book.  I now finally understand why people like to go to the gym and keep fit in other ways.  I've made small steps to help my body get fitter and am happy about it.  It's so easy to get disgusted when I don't do more but I'm following babysteps.  Just a little bit more whenever I can is the way for me to go.  Be it walking the dogs, dancing around while I do the housework, making more trips up and and downstairs, it all counts.  And it's the same with food and eating.  I'm trying hard to eat more regularly.  I seem to be making better choices each time I eat.  I've set up a new notebook to use for a food diary - it was supposed to start today but I chose to start it yesterday.  I know that will help me see what I'm doing.  I'm doing all this for myself, but I gues it is also for those who love me and need me to be as healthy as I can for as long as I can. 

For the last few months I've been wearing clothes that I like and that feel great.  They make me feel pretty.  Here's another funny thing:  when I look in the mirror as I pass one I smile at what I see.  I love my hair most of the time.  It's a shade of blonde and I'm pretty happy with how it generally looks.  This is a really big thing - looking and liking what I see.   That does not, however apply when I see the whole body especially front on!!!!  Then I see a short fat lady who needs a good diet. :(       That image is very depressing.  When I look again I like the clothes and smile and know that the image can be changed.  It reminds me to stand up straighter and taller and keep a smile on my face.  The weight is the only thing I don't like and is the one thing I really can change.  It's all in my own hands and mouth. 

I have learned this year that not eating enough does not make you lose weight.  Yes, my mind has always known this like you know stuff from a book.  However I know now that I need to eat regularly to be healthy.  My first food at 4.30 pm is not kind to my body so I'm really making an effort to eat earlier, even if it's only fruit.  It is honestly very hard for me to eat in the morning at all, the thought makes me feel sick.  But I know I need to get past this.  I already like a lot of food that is good for me and reasonably healthy.  Salad and fruit are a joy.  But preparing food is really a chore that I can't be bothered with.  Sometimes it's too much effort to even make a peanut butter and jam sandwich or to shove bread in the toaster.  I mean, how much effort does it take for heaven's sake.  I do get annoyed with myself.   

No, it honestly isn't that I want to go out to eat or have someone do it all for me.  I thought it was, but it isn't.  Even when people put food in front of me I often don't want it.  Being mothered, nurtured and all that good stuff are probably involved but I'm working on that lot anyway.  I'm finding joy in taking better care of myself and others and that is my goal for 2012, ti carry on in this way.  Growing, learning, loving, nurturing.

I wish health, peace and happiness to everyone who reads this as well.